Life Goals Sundae

Last night, buried in one box or another as I tried to productively organize my side of the dorm room, I unearthed a poster my friend Katie and I put together last spring.

After what I’m sure was just another night of me running in frustrated circles with life plans, goals for schools, etc, Katie the graphic designer/person who knows me too well came to my rescue with her felt-tip markers and level head. 

The result was a poster with goal categories and bullet point steps. School, travel, personal goals and relationships seemed to be the foci in that era. We’ve got “actively pursue Mandarin language” and “Washington, DC internship.” Then there’s “become more confident” and “be more present in relationships.” 

It’s satisfying to check a few off, as well: Argentina, check. Health, check. PUC, check.

But now let’s cross-reference to the current state: 

-still need to find a grad school

-still need to study for the GRE

-still need to learn Mandarin

So here’s a new list, for Fall 2012: 


-Finish classes in December with A’s 

-Go to grad school fair on Tuesday and choose 4 schools for the GRE scores

-choose schools for January applications

-send application to the Peace Corps

-continue to research individual programs


-find a program so I can afford to travel forever!! 

-find a job that makes me travel!!

-go to Boston in the spring


-run 10k in December

-write every day

-start making that reading list, even if I don’t get to it until Peace Corps training

-stay off caffeine as much as possible–we like us better here


-remind people that they matter to me, no matter how many miles or oceans away

-be straightforward

-listen more

Well, that is equally inspiring and vulnerable. Here we go. 



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